How To Initiate Sex: How 21 Women Initiate Sex

Looking for some spicy new ways to take charge in the bedroom? We've got you covered! Check out these sizzling tips from 21 women who know a thing or two about initiating sex. From subtle hints to bold moves, there's something for everyone in this steamy collection of advice. So why wait? Dive in and get ready to turn up the heat in your love life! And if you're feeling extra bold, you might want to check out this review for a little extra inspiration.

Initiating sex can be a nerve-wracking experience for many people, regardless of gender. It can be difficult to know how to approach the subject without feeling awkward or vulnerable. However, initiating sex can also be an exciting and empowering experience when done with confidence and respect. To help you gain more insight into the art of initiating sex, we spoke to 21 women about how they initiate sex and what makes it a positive experience for them.

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Setting the Mood

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One of the most common ways women initiate sex is by setting the mood. This can involve creating a romantic atmosphere with candles, music, and dim lighting. Many women also enjoy initiating sex through physical touch, such as cuddling, kissing, and caressing their partners. By setting the mood in this way, women can communicate their desire for intimacy without having to explicitly verbalize it.

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Verbal Communication

Verbal communication is another important aspect of initiating sex for many women. Some women prefer to be direct and straightforward with their partners, expressing their desire for intimacy through words. Others may use more subtle language to convey their intentions, such as making suggestive comments or compliments. Regardless of the approach, clear and open communication is key to initiating sex in a respectful and consensual manner.

Taking the Lead

Taking the lead in the bedroom is another common way women initiate sex. This can involve initiating foreplay, taking charge during sex, or suggesting new activities or positions. Many women enjoy being assertive and confident in their sexual encounters, and taking the lead can be a powerful way to express their desires and preferences.


Spontaneity is a popular approach to initiating sex for many women. This can involve surprising their partners with unexpected displays of affection or initiating sex in unconventional locations. By embracing spontaneity, women can keep the spark alive in their relationships and make sex a fun and adventurous experience.

Understanding Non-Verbal Cues

In addition to verbal communication, many women also initiate sex through non-verbal cues. This can involve sending signals through body language, eye contact, and physical touch. By paying attention to their partner's non-verbal cues, women can gauge their interest and responsiveness, creating a more seamless and enjoyable experience for both parties.

Respecting Boundaries

Respecting boundaries is a crucial aspect of initiating sex for all women. It's important to be mindful of your partner's comfort level and to seek enthusiastic consent before moving forward. By prioritizing open communication and mutual respect, women can ensure that their initiation of sex is a positive and consensual experience for both parties.


Initiating sex can be a complex and nuanced process, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. By speaking with 21 women about their experiences, we have gained valuable insight into the diverse ways women initiate sex and the factors that contribute to a positive and fulfilling sexual encounter. Whether through setting the mood, verbal communication, taking the lead, embracing spontaneity, understanding non-verbal cues, or respecting boundaries, women have a variety of tools at their disposal to initiate sex in a way that is respectful, consensual, and enjoyable for all parties involved. By continuing to prioritize open communication, mutual respect, and enthusiastic consent, women can navigate the art of initiating sex with confidence and empowerment.